CMSMS Showcase: Workshop België
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May 2019
Category: e-Commerce
Website Url
Designer Notes
A multi-domain site for activity bookings. The sites is mapped on the server level and has 20 domains (SEO purposes). Even though all domains use the CMSMS package we’ve build an customizationtool with LISE. Each domain can use the default content or add custom content for that particular domain.
Also the colors and styling can be changed for that domain. We’ve also created so called SmartWidgets with UDT. For example to pull data from Wikipedia and show it on the site based on a query which comes from the customizationtool mentioned earlier.
Third Party Plugins
- Custom PHP code to generate non existing places, smart widgets, filters, theme options (LISE)
- Domains module (LISE)
- Globals module (LISE)
- Formbuilder
- Captcha
Louay Hamo
Designer Website
Louay Hamo
Developer Website
Tips, tricks, tutorials and videos to make it even easier to work with
CMS Made Simple.
Migrating Company Directory module to LISE
This tutorial will give some assistance porting your Company Directory content to the LISE module, an otherwise time consuming job.
Moving CMS Made Simple module content to LISE
A series of tutorials that will give some assistance porting your third party module content to the LISE module, an otherwise time consuming job.
FormBuilder WatchGuard
Having trouble with the FormBuilder module for CMS Made Simple and need some help troubleshooting? This small User Defined Tag will help you.